Lyndsay Hayhurst


Trailer for ‘Changing Gears’

What is the role of the bicycle in community building, global development and mobility justice efforts? ‘Changing Gears’ traces the diverse journeys of three community organizations operating in Canada, Nicaragua, and Uganda in their efforts to use bicycles for more just, equitable and sustainable futures. Check out Changing Gears website for further information about the documentary and screenings.

Want to join the movement? Check out our ‘Bicycles and Development Transnational Collective’ website for more information.

Want to learn more about the Bicycle for Development research group? Check out our research hub website.

Sport for Development, Sexual-and Gender-Based Violence and Climate Change

Sport for Gender-Based Violence Protection: The Way We See It

El deporte y la prevención de la violencia de género: Así es como lo vemos
(Sport for Gender-Based Violence Protection: The Way We See It - Spanish language version)